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World Trade Center Attack

Reports From Ground Zero:


All videos on this page are copyright(c)2001 by Vincent Sabio. The videos, or any portion of them, as posted on this site may be used for either commerical or non-commercial purposes as long as you contact me first; this is solely to ensure that the videos will be used in a manner that is consistent with the copyright. When you write to that address, be sure to put the words "WTC Video" in the Subject line of your message. (Unfortunately, that address receives a lot of spam. For faster service, try writing to my gmail address, which is my full name, as shown above (with no periods or spaces), "at" gmail dot com.)

Note: I do not charge for ANY -- commercial or non-commercial -- use of the videos; I primarily want to be aware of their use, and ensure that they are used in a manner that is consistent with the copyright. I also do not seek to 'limit' use of the videos in any manner whatsoever.

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